Public Talk: Cinematic Bombay — Contingency, Crisis, and Decay
Please join us for a talk on Thursday, April 26th at 4:30pm in AJLC 120 given by Professor Ranjani Mazumdar. This presentation will look at the refractions of contemporary city of Bombay, India, through three unusual films of the recent past. It is part of the Global Issues Symposium.

Indonesia Winter Term Trip Presentation
On Tuesday, April 3, The Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment will host an interesting presentation by the students and faculty participants in a Winter Term trip to Indonesia this past January.

Professor Simon Avenell to give lecture: “Environment as Method: Postwar Japanese Activism and East Asia”
We're pleased to share an invitation to a talk being given by Dr. Simon Avenell, Professor of History, Australia National University, entitled “Environment as Method: Postwar Japanese Activism and East Asia”.

Professor Margo Machida to give lecture: "Transnational Mobilities and Global Convergences in Asian American Art”
Professor Margo Machida will be giving a lecture titled “Transnational Mobilities and Global Convergences in Asian American Art” on Tuesday, March 27th at 4:45pm in Art Classroom I (Allen Memorial Art Building).

26th Annual Conference of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies
We are excited to share that on February 16-17, the 26th Annual Conference of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies (AJLS) will be coming to Oberlin College.

On-campus Winter Term to study Climate Change in the Tibetan Plateau
Shansi is excited to share an upcoming full-term, on-campus Winter Term opportunity for students!

"Ainu: Indigeneity, Environment, & Cultural Survival" Lecture and Performance
Later this month one of several lectures and performances co-sponsored by the Oberlin Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and Environment (LIASE) will be taking place.

Papermaking & Book Art Winter Term now accepting applications
Aimee Lee (OC '99) will be returning to Oberlin this Winter Term to teach her course on papermaking!

Princeton professor to speak on impact of learning another language
Ever wondered how learning another language can impact your life and career?

“Spring Thaw” With Oberlin's Hiroshima Trees
On Friday, April 14, Oberlin College Professor of Japanese Ann Sherif organized an inspiring visit for Oberlin students and faculty with the rapidly growing tree saplings provided to Oberlin College and Oberlin Shansi by our new partner Green Legacy Hiroshima.