Shansi is an equal opportunity employer committed to creating an institutional environment free from discrimination and harassment. Thus, discrimination and harassment based on the following categories are prohibited: race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, caste, marital status, religion, creed, disability, age, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression.
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest Policy for Oberlin Shansi Trustees, Officers and Key Employees
Scope. The following statement of policy applies to each member of the Board, to each officer of Oberlin Shansi and to all Key Employees , that is the Executive Director and Associate Director, hereafter (“Covered Persons”)
Responsibility. Covered Persons serve the interests and mission of Oberlin Shansi and have an obligation to this concept. All decisions of Covered Persons are to be made solely on the basis of a desire to promote the best interests of the organization and to achieve the goals and mission statement of Oberlin Shansi.
Individuals inevitably are involved with the affairs of other institutions and organizations. Effective boards and organizations will include individuals who have relationships and affiliations that may raise questions about perceived conflicts of interest. Although many such potential conflicts are and will be deemed inconsequential, every Covered Person has a responsibility to ensure the entire Board is made aware of situations that involve personal, familial, or business relationships that could create a real or perceived conflict of interest. Thus, the Board requires each Covered Person annually a) to be familiar with the terms of this policy; b) to disclose to the Board Chair any possible personal, familial, or business relationships that reasonably might give rise to a conflict involving Oberlin Shansi; and c) to acknowledge by his or her signature that he or she is in accordance with the letter and spirit of this policy.
Disclosure of Conflicts With Respect to Potential Financial Transactions. In the event any financial transaction involving Oberlin Shansi also involves (a) a Covered Person, or (b) an organization with which any Covered Person has any material financial interest, the Covered Person having the affiliation or interest, at the first knowledge of the transaction, shall disclose fully the precise nature of the interest or involvement.
Annual List of Significant Related Entities. Each year the Executive Director shall prepare a list of “Significant Related Entities” consisting of (a) each organization which acts as a financial adviser to Oberlin Shansi, (b) each organization with or through whom Oberlin Shansi directly invests or deposits funds (but not including those organizations or entities in or through whom funds are directly invested or deposited), (c) the current auditors or Oberlin Shansi, (d) any organization or person with whom Oberlin Shansi has conducted business in most recently completed fiscal year in an amount or having a value in excess of $5,000, (e) any organization or person with whom Oberlin Shansi has conducted or expects to conduct business in the current fiscal year in an amount or having a value in excess of $5,000, and (f) any other organization or person whom the Executive Director considers to have a significant financial relationship with Oberlin Shansi.
Disclosure Statement. Each year the Executive Director shall distribute to each Covered Person, including himself or herself, the current list of Significant Entities and each Covered Person shall be requested to indicate in writing whether such Covered Person has any affiliation with any of the listed Significant Related Entities, describing the nature of the affiliation. In the event there is any material change in the information contained in any annual submission by a Covered Person known to such person, such Covered Person shall promptly submit written notification of the change.
A Covered Person will be deemed to be affiliated with any organization that may be potentially related to the financial operation of Oberlin Shansi (a) of which such Covered Person, or a member of his or her extended family, is a director, officer, trustee, partner, employee, or agent; or (b) in which such Covered Person or members of his or her extended family receive direct financial benefit from sales or services; or (c) in which such Covered Person or members of his or her extended family have a 35 percent or greater interest.
The term “extended family” shall be deemed to include a Covered Person’s spouse, children (including legally adopted children), parents, grandparents, great grandparents, siblings (whether by whole or half blood), spouse of that individual’s siblings, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and members of that individual’s household.
In no way should this policy imply that Covered Persons, or any other individuals, should reveal any political, religious, ethnic, fraternal or civic affiliations.
Administration. All disclosures required under this policy and amendments thereto shall be directed in writing to the Chair of the Board. The Chair of the Board and the Executive Director shall be responsible for the administration of this policy. Information disclosed under this policy shall be held in confidence by the persons authorized to receive and act upon it except where, in the judgment of any such persons, the best interest of the organization requires further disclosure. The Board Chair shall report annually to the Board on the review process.
Action on Potential Conflicts of Interest. The Executive Committee of the Board shall determine what, if any, restrictions on consideration, participation or other activities shall be imposed in the case of any actual or potential conflict of interest in any proposed transaction or relationship, and a written memorandum of each such determination shall be prepared and maintained.
Advance Determinations. Any Covered Person who is uncertain about possible conflict-of-interest in any matter may request the Executive Committee of the Board to determine whether a possible conflict exists; the Executive Committee shall resolve the question by majority vote. If require, the question of potential conflict might be referred to counsel for an opinion prior to the Executive Committee vote.
Oberlin Shansi Policy on Discrimination and Harassment
Oberlin Shansi is committed to creating a work environment free from discrimination and harassment for its employees, participants, volunteers, Grantees, and Fellows. Oberlin Shansi will not tolerate discrimination or sexual harassment of any of its employees, participants, volunteers, Grantees, or Fellows by anyone, including, but not limited to, employees, trustees, vendors, participants, volunteers, Grantees, Fellows, and partner institutions.
Discrimination and harassment based on the following categories are prohibited: race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, caste, marital status, religion, creed, disability, age, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, family relationship to an employee of the organization, and gender identity and expression.
Oberlin Shansi believes it is the responsibility of all employees, participants, volunteers, Grantees, and Fellows to contribute to providing a workplace that is free from sexual and other harassment at all times. This requires that employees, participants, volunteers, Grantees, and Fellows do not engage in harassing behavior and that they report incidents of such behavior.
In keeping with that commitment, Shansi has established procedures to report, investigate, and resolve allegations of discrimination or sexual or other harassment. The policy will be provided to all new employees, volunteers, trustees, and fellowship and grant winners, and changes to the policy will be promptly distributed.
Discrimination is any decision, act, or failure to act that substantially interferes with a person’s work when such decision, act, or failure to act is based on the categories listed above. Discrimination also includes retaliation: retaliation is any decision, act, or failure to act that is based on that person’s opposition to discrimination or harassment or that person’s participation in a process aimed at addressing an allegation of discrimination or harassment.
Harassment is unwelcome speech or conduct (physical, oral, graphic, or written) related to one or more of the categories listed above that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive so as to interfere substantially with a person’s work or create an environment that a reasonable person would find hostile, offensive, or intimidating.
Some examples of conduct which may constitute prohibited harassment include but are not limited to the following:
Lewd or sexually suggestive comments;
Unwelcome sexual advances;
Explicit sexual propositions;
Sexual innuendo;
Requests for sexual acts or favors (with or without accompanying promises or threats of reciprocal favors or actions);
Foul or obscene language or gestures;
Sexually oriented "kidding," "teasing," or "practical jokes";
Display of foul, obscene, or sexually explicit printed or visual material, including pictures, greeting cards, articles, books, magazines, photos, or cartoons;
Physical contact such as patting, pinching, or intentionally brushing against another's body; or
Slurs, jokes or degrading comments concerning gender, gender-specific traits, age, race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
Procedures for Complaints
The grievance procedures provided in this policy shall apply to complaints alleging discrimination or harassment carried out by employees, volunteers, participants, Grantees, Fellows, and/or third parties.
All complaints of discrimination and harassment should be filed in writing by letter or email with the Executive Director. If the Executive Director is the person being accused in the complaint, the complaint should be submitted to the Chair of the Oberlin Shansi Board of Trustees. Receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged in writing within one day after the letter or email is opened by the Executive Director or Board Chair. Complaints must be filed within one calendar year of the last act of discrimination or harassment.
All allegations of discrimination or harassment will be taken seriously and will be thoroughly and promptly investigated. To the extent possible, confidentiality of the complainant, of any witnesses, and of the alleged perpetrator will be protected against unnecessary disclosure.
The Chair of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee will be informed of any complaint no more than ten days after it is received and opened (“received”). The Executive Director (or Board Chair) will interview the complainant, the person against whom the complaint has been filed (the “respondent”), and other witnesses, and will review other evidence. Within 90 days of the receipt of a complaint, the Executive Director (or Board Chair) will report to the full Board or the Executive Committee of the Board on the status or completion of the investigation and will provide a recommendation for action or the basis for additional time to complete the investigation.
If the outcome of the investigation determines that a preponderance of the evidence supports the allegation(s), a recommendation for appropriate action will be forwarded to the full Board (or the Executive Committee acting on behalf of the full Board) for review and final decision on appropriate action. The final decision by the full Board or Executive Committee will be issued within 30 days of receipt of the report.
If the accused in the complaint is an employee, appropriate action may include but is not limited to disciplinary action, warnings that similar misconduct in the future may result in immediate discharge, recommendation of remedial counseling and/or training, or termination of employment.
If the accused in the complaint is a Fellow, Grantee, or other program participant, appropriate action may include but is not limited to immediate termination of Fellowship or program participation, warnings that similar misconduct in the future may result in immediate termination of Fellowship or program participation, or recommendations of remedial counseling and/or training.
If the accused in the complaint is an employee of a partner institution or vendor, Oberlin Shansi will present the finding to the partner institution and request immediate action to prevent the individual from being in contact with the complainant or other Shansi employees or participants. Additional appropriate actions may include but are not limited to termination of the partnership or vendor relationship, warnings that similar misconduct in the future may result in immediate termination of the partnership or vendor relationship, or other remedial action.
Written notification of the decision and steps taken will be provided to the complainant and the respondent after the full Board or Executive Committee makes a final decision. The complainant or respondent may provide a written argument appealing the decision within ten days of the issuance of a decision. The Board will respond to this appeal within 30 days.
Reprisals and Retaliation
Oberlin Shansi has a zero tolerance policy regarding reprisals or retaliation against any employee, participant, volunteer, Grantee, or Fellow who reports known or suspected discrimination or harassment or assists in any investigation or action resulting from a report.
[Approved, November 19, 2016]
Policy on Review of Form 990
The purpose of this policy is to establish Oberlin Shansi’s procedures for review of the IRS Form 990 by the Board of Trustees prior to the annual filing of the form.
Oberlin Shansi recognizes that the governance role of its Board of Trustees includes the annual review of IRS Form 990. Accordingly, Oberlin Shansi requires that its Audit Committee review the Form 990 prior to presenting it to the Oberlin Shansi Board of Trustees for final review and approval on an annual basis.
The Executive Director along with Oberlin Shansi’s certified public accountant firm is responsible for the timely preparation of Form 990.
The Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees will receive the completed Form 990 sufficiently in advance of the filing deadline to enable a detailed and conscientious review by all members of the committee. All questions concerns, etc. of the Audit Committee members will be addressed by the appropriate representatives of the certified public accounting firm hired to prepare the form and the Executive Director.
The Board of Trustees will review the completed Form 990 at a full meeting of the Board.
After input from the Board of Trustees and the Audit Committee has been appropriately addressed, the Executive Director and representatives of the certified public accountant firm will file the final Form.
Copies of the three previous annual filed Form 990 returns will be maintained on the Oberlin Shansi website (below), and copies thereof will be kept on file in the main office of Oberlin Shansi and will be made available upon reasonable request.
2022 Form 990 (Public Inspection Copy)
2021 Form 990 (Public Inspection Copy)
2020 Form 990 (Public Inspection Copy)
2019 Form 990 (Public Inspection Copy)