In-Asia Grant Guidelines
Kenneth Kitahata ‘20 in Battambang, Cambodia, winter of 2019.
Oberlin Shansi In-Asia Grants Winter Term and Summer Guidelines
A complete grant application consists of:
1. Application form
2. Project proposal & Budget - guidelines listed below
3. Resume
4. Unofficial transcript
5. Two letters of recommendation
Project Proposal Format:
500-700 words in length
Additional detailed budget (not included in word limit)
Respond to the following questions:
Responses to questions should be embedded in a larger cohesive proposal. Applicants are discouraged from submitting Q&A or bullet formats.
What are your goals and motivation for the project? How does your project relate to Shansi’s goals of encouraging communication and mutual exchange between Oberlin and Asia?
Why do you need to go abroad to do this project? Can you achieve your goals without going abroad?
Have you taken clear and feasible steps to establish your project? Which focused communities or individuals have you contacted in-country? Include names of individuals, their titles, names and addresses of their organizations, your lodging plans, and travel logistics. The committee will use this information to assess the feasibility of your project.
What language will you use to complete your project? Do you know the language of the country to which you are going? If not, how will you navigate the language barriers that exist?
What are the specific dates for your project? Can it be completed in the time you have allotted?
What contribution will your project make to your fellow Oberlin students and Oberlin Shansi?
Is this project an extension of something you learned in a class, a personal inquiry into a field that interests you, a step toward a future career, or something else?
What form will your final project take: film, photos, a written document, transcription of interviews, powerpoint presentation, music, action, dance, other?
Reporting your Results:
Within one month of return, grant recipients will submit to Shansi a 2-page narrative report of the results of their project. Recipients will work with Shansi staff to create a final version of the project, which could be a blog post, paper, photo essay, performance, presentation, or video.
Tips for Getting Started:
Check out previous In-Asia Grant projects on the Shansi website. Learn more about the work we’ve previously funded.
Set up a meeting with a Shansi staff member to brainstorm, discuss ideas, and workshop your proposal.
Identify a local contact (an artist, a non-profit organization, even a family friend) to help structure your project. The most feasible proposals often identify a local collaborator to anchor the work.
Identify two recommenders for your project. Ask them to offer guidance and read proposal drafts.
COVID-19 Restrictions:
Shansi takes your safety seriously. We will consult with CDC guidelines, WHO recommendations, and US State Department travel warnings when making decisions about awards. After a grant is awarded, we reserve the right to discourage your travel, with the understanding that the Grant award could either be used for a later date or a revised project in the US or another Asian country. Please consult with staff if you would like to discuss a specific project or geographical region.
Additional Considerations:
Grantees are required to register their projects with the Office of Winter Term or Office of Study Away. (Winners of the grant will be informed at least one week prior to appropriate deadlines.)
Oberlin and Oberlin Shansi policies articulate a restriction of travel by grantees to countries for which the United States Department of States has issued a Travel Warning. See travel warnings issued here:
All proposals to travel to areas currently under a Travel Warning must include a paragraph explaining your reasoning for pursuing a project there and the additional precautions you will take. Students are required to purchase medical and emergency insurance for international travel. Questions? Contact Gavin Tritt (gtritt@oberlin.edu) or Ted Samuel (tsamuel@oberlin.edu).