Annual Giving
Syiah Kuala University Fellows and friend
Annual Giving
Annual Giving is crucial to Shansi's ongoing programs and operations. Donations to this fund allow us to support Shansi Fellows in China, Indonesia, India, and Japan, to sponsor Visiting Scholars at Oberlin, to award grants to current Oberlin College and Conservatory students, and to develop on-campus programs that bring Oberlin and Asia closer together.
Oberlin Shansi Trustee Kim Golden has established a generous matching fund for the Hiroshima Fellowship program. To donate to the Hiroshima program and have your gift matched by Kim, please be sure to indicate "Hiroshima" in the note field if you give online, or on the reply card if you send a check the old-fashioned way.
Online: Click the yellow "Donate" button below to securely donate online through PayPal. You can use your PayPal account if you have one, but you do not need a PayPal account to make a credit card donation. Shansi will receive confirmation of incoming donations and we will send you a letter of acknowledgement and thanks for your gift. To ensure that letter will get to you, please check the box to share your mailing address with us as you go through your PayPal transaction.
Recurring Gifts: A recurring gift is a way in which you can support Shansi's effort over a period of time. You can give a monthly, seasonal, or annual contribution. PayPal allows you to create an automatic recurring credit card contribution, which will use your credit card to make a timed donation.
Snail Mail: If you would prefer to send your contribution by mail, please click here for the Oberlin Shansi Printable Donation Form and send your check and the completed form to:
Oberlin Shansi
103 Peters Hall
Oberlin, OH 44074
Matching Gifts: If you work for a company with a matching gift program, please consider increasing your impact and make a bigger, broader difference through this arrangement. Check in with your human resources department and alert them of your contribution. Please include the matching gift form they provide with your donation.
Gift of Stock: In addition to making a gift by check or credit card, you can also give a gift of stock. If you would like to make a gift of stock, guidelines may be found here or contact the Shansi office via telephone at (440) 775-8605 or email for account transfer information.
IRA Rollover or Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD): For donors taking IRA distributions, a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is an attractive way to make a gift to Shansi. With a QCD gift of part or all of your Requirement Minimum Distribution (RMD), you can reduce your taxable income for the year in which it is given. Find more information about making a QCD to Shansi here.
Please specify if you are giving a gift in honor or in memory of an individual and we will gladly acknowledge it.