Alumni Profile: Dr. J. Paul Jayakar
We are delighted to feature our conversation between Phoebe von Conta ‘22, Shansi’s Fellow at Lady Doak College 2022-24, and Dr. J. Paul Jayakar. Dr. Paul was a Shansi Visiting Scholar during the spring of 2007, where he earned a reputation for his intellect and superior skills in the kitchen. Upon his return to India, he served as Head of the English Department at American College, and most recently, Dean for International Exchange and Study Abroad. He has a Ph.D. in English Literature, having focused on women in literature, and continues to guide Ph.D. students and faculty. Dr. Paul has designed innovative courses in the English department and is the Convener for New Curriculum Design this academic year. Furthermore, he is the current Director of American College’s new satellite campus in the Azhagar Hills and works to ensure educational opportunities and equity for students from rural parts of Madurai and Dindigul districts.
Dr. Paul is son of the late Dr. D. Peter Jayapandian, former Principal of American College from 1987 and 1998 and an Oberlin Shansi Visiting Scholar in 1969. We are thrilled to have maintained a strong connection with a second-generation Shansi alum.
Dr. Jayakar stands in the snow in Oberlin, just up the street from Shansi House in 2007, when he was a Visiting Scholar.
Phoebe: Dr. Jayakar, You’ve had a prolific academic, literary, and administrative impact on American College. Can you describe your current roles and responsibilities at American College?
Paul: I teach in the Postgraduate and Research Department of English. I am now an Associate Professor. Additionally, I am the Dean for International Exchange & Study Abroad. My responsibility is to develop and lead initiatives that increase the proportion of American College students with international experience. My role includes finding new opportunities for possible international exchange programmes and representing American College in relevant international forums and discussions, with a focus on promoting overseas admission in the college.
I also serve as Head of the Department of English. In this position, I aim to lead the department in terms of teaching, learning and testing, and advising students and faculty. In this role, I also develop curriculum. Presently, I happen to be the Convener for the new Curriculum Design for the academic year 2023–2024. As Director of the American College Satellite Campus, I oversee all the academic programmes, faculty, staff, and students there. I work to implement the academic & administrative policies given by the Principal. I also monitor all the programmes for faculty, staff, and students, and I identify and implement programmes to improve students’ strength. Finally, I find ways to connect the community (rural people) and campus.
Paul’s father, Dr. D. Peter Jayapandian as Ph.D. scholar at Ohio State University, Ohio, USA through Oberlin Shansi International Scholar Program, 1969-71.
Phoebe: Your father, Dr. Peter Jayapandian, former Principal and Secretary of the American College, was also a Shansi Fellow. How did your father’s experience impact your decision to become a Shansi scholar?
Paul: My father used to tell us about all the opportunities that he got because of Shansi. He had a focus on academic and cultural language as well as liberal arts and science education. He expanded the horizon of reasoning, reading, and writing in and out of the classroom, and emphasized the importance of being able to think individually and aloud. His Shansi experience was an opportunity to enhance communication skills, and to understand the “salad bowl” of cultures. He also told stories of the food! All of this propelled me to aim big as a Shansi International Scholar!
Phoebe: How has your scholarship been influenced by your experiences at or during your time at Oberlin?
Paul: The exposure to American academic life provided me with space to explore the history and structure of the English Language, new methods of teaching and tutoring, writing across the disciplines, and Teaching English as a Second Language. Working with Oberlin professors helped me to familiarize myself with pedagogies for language study. I learned about how language and culture interact. It also helped me to understand the importance of improving writing skills through readings and discussions. This opportunity gave me the training to design courses in the Department of English, The American College.
Gradually I have shifted my interest in research from fiction to English language acquisition. The English language keeps on changing and I find it interesting and pertinent to my work as a scholar and administrator.
Dr. Jayakar with Senior Director Ted Samuel and Executive Director Gavin Tritt during a visit to Oberlin College in fall 2022.
Phoebe: Can you share with us a few of your favorite memories from your time as a Shansi Visiting Scholar?
Paul: Amongst many fond memories of Oberlin, a few of my favorites have been the courses I took during the semester, including Writing Across Disciplines, the History of English Language Course, and American Literature. I enjoyed time spent at Mudd [Terrell] Library, visiting Language Lab in Peters Hall, visiting First Church and Kendal At Oberlin. I also enjoyed walking along the streets of Oberlin. I fondly remember our visits outside of Oberlin, which have taken me to Niagara Falls, an Amish community, and Walden Pond. Family visits, a walk in the snow, and student performances also made my visit unforgettable.
Paul with former Oberlin Shansi Executive Director Carl Jacobson cutting a turkey for Thanksgiving in 2007.