Machida, Japan
J. F. Oberlin University
Okinawan Festival in Machida, Tokyo
Past and current Fellows, Obies, and friends in Tokyo
A blooming cherry blossom tree on JFOU’s campus
The Obirin Coope where Fellows live
“It has been incredibly rewarding to put the skills that I have worked so hard at to use. I have learned so much about what I want to work towards in being a better musician and communicator, and I have met so many amazing people that inspire me to do so.”
Whether it’s contemporary art, traditional music, business, or food, there are many avenues open to Fellows who want to dive into Japan during this two-year Fellowship. For the aspiring teacher, it also offers professional teacher training opportunities.
J.F. Oberlin is located in Machida, a city in the suburbs of Tokyo with a population of approximately 426,000. It’s a bustling place with all of the amenities of a large metropolitan area - department stores, coffee shops, dance studios – as well as mom-and-pop shops in little side streets that serve the beloved noodle dishes that keep people moving through their busy days. On the weekend, Fellows can head for the friendly sights and sounds of downtown Tokyo or nearby Yokohama.
About J.F. Oberlin University
J.F. Oberlin enrolls over 9,000 students, including about 500 international students. The university has an established reputation in English language instruction and international studies, and has a historic connection to Oberlin College through Yasuzo Shimizu, who studied at Oberlin College in the 1920s and founded J.F. Oberlin University in 1946. The bulk of students commute to this lovely campus situated on a hillside filled with cherry trees.
The Fellowship
Shansi Fellows at J.F. Oberlin will have the opportunity to work across a range of offices and reach a diverse set of students through tutoring, mentoring, and administrative roles. Throughout the J.F. Oberlin Fellowship, there will be opportunities to engage in the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Performing and Visual Arts, the College of Business Management, the Office of International Programs, and the J.F. Oberlin Junior and Senior High Schools attached to the university.
J.F. Oberlin is committed to engaging fellows in creative and diverse professional opportunities. Fellows will:
Help facilitate extracurricular courses and club activities at the J.F. Oberlin Junior and Senior High School.
Provide one-on-one writing support for students across campuses.
Host workshops to support university students in their English conversation skills, organize cultural/globally-focused programming, and facilitate conversation tables, book clubs, movie nights, and more.
Support the Office of International Programs, including interviewing students who apply to study abroad, preparing orientation materials, meeting international visitors, supporting exchange students, and preparing media for outreach.
Fellows are encouraged to teach and plan additional activities and programs in collaboration with staff and faculty J.F. Oberlin University. A typical work week should include 25-30 contact hours.
The university and Tokyo offer a wide range of opportunities for Shansi Fellows to pursue independent projects outside of their teaching responsibilities. In the past, Fellows have participated in graduate seminars, prepared publications for J.F. Oberlin University journals, joined taiko drumming groups, and studied traditional Japanese music. One Fellow even joined a country and western band in Tokyo!
What does a strong candidate for the Fellowship to J.F. Oberlin look like?
For this Fellowship, Shansi is looking for applicants who are passionate about intercultural sharing and learning about Japan, interested in international educational exchange, excited about facilitating experiential language learning, and who are outgoing and open to the unexpected. A strong respect for others and dependability as aco-worker and language instructor are also necessary.
While there is no language requirement, Shansi and J.F. Oberlin University recommend candidates have studied at least one year of college-level Japanese.
For past Fellows, the position at J.F. Oberlin has led to Ph.D. research on Japanese-Brazilian labor migrants, entrance to law school and medical school, and work in interdisciplinary art and teaching. One recent Fellow stayed in Tokyo to create localized translations at a video game company.
Language training
Fellows receive language training during the summer before they start their work at J.F. Oberlin University. Shansi provides support for tuition, books, travel, and living expenses during the period of the language training.
J.F. Oberlin University provides furnished apartments near the campus for the Shansi Fellows.
Incoming Shansi Fellows undertake summer language study and join J.F. Oberlin University in late August (this is the start of the second semester in Japan, where the first semester of the school year begins in April). Fellows will start the fellowship at the midpoint of the Japanese school year. Shansi Fellows have a long winter vacation and a shorter summer break.