Daniel Evans '18

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Noise of Words

For his Comparative Literature capstone project — entitled Noise of Words — Danny Evans ’18 drew from a number of disparate fields including literary theory, noise music, and Japan Studies in order to develop a new, experimental translation paradigm. Nominated by Professor Ann Sherif of the East Asian Studies Department, Danny’s project culminated in a final presentation at Fairchild Chapel, in which he shared a portion of the work he had completed over the course of fall semester. This performance involved Danny reading his translations of Japanese poet Yoshimasu Gozo in conversation with both recordings of Yoshimasu himself and a cooperative performance (alongside TIMARA majors Nathaniel Baker-Salisbury ’19 and Judy Jackson ’18) of a graphically scored, partially improvisatory audiovisual piece, “Counter-Transfer.” Danny looks forward to continuing to explore creative forms of translation in the future, and especially hopes to keep working with Yoshimasu Gozo’s poetry and prose.


Samir Husain '18


Sarah Chatta ‘17