In-Asia Grant Info Session

To learn more about our In-Asia Grants Program, please join us for an Info Session this Thursday, March 7th at 12:15 in Wilder 101. We'll also have pizza at the info session.

In-Asia Grants provide students with up to $1,500 dollars of funding to do a project in East Asia, Southeast Asia or South Asia. This round of In-Asia Grants is for projects to be completed during summer 2019. Projects can include, but are not limited to, internships with non-governmental organizations, creative projects, and self-directed study. The grants are open to 1st year, 2nd year, and 3rd year students as well as double-degree 4th years. The deadline to apply for this semester is March 22nd at 4:30 pm.

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Means of Music in Asia


A Feminist Clothes Reading