Announcing the 2021 Shansi Prize Winner

Nominated by Professor of Chinese and Cinema Studies Hsiu-Chuang Deppman, the 2021 Shansi Prize has been awarded to Iris Bennett for her final essay, “The Time Is Wrong.” Though the idea was first realized during her first year, this piece was completed four years later––after “countless reworks”––and aims to shed “light on the intricacies of East Asian (specifically Taiwanese) cinema and its relationship with the western world.” Professor Deppman commends Bennett on exceptional work in the classroom and writes, “Her essay submission—a creative rendition of Michael Berry’s interview with the Taiwanese director Tsai Mingliang and Taiwanese actor Lee Kangsheng is a rare feat that combines critical insights with artistic acumen. I believe that the originality of Ms. Bennett’s work is unrivaled.”

You can read her piece on our website.


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