5 Steps to Do the Splits
Oberlin Shansi Oberlin Shansi

5 Steps to Do the Splits

Kayla Johnston-Mitchell ‘17, JFOU Fellow

Flexibility is one of those things you have to invest a lot of effort into, but also doesn’t take that much time. Ten to fifteen minutes a day isn’t much, but after a few months you’ll be splittin’ all over the place.

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Three Steps to Becoming an "Osshare Sensei"
Oberlin Shansi Oberlin Shansi

Three Steps to Becoming an "Osshare Sensei"

Kayla Johnston-Mitchell ‘17, JFOU Fellow

Unlike in English, Japanese “girl power” can be a no nonsense female C.E.O, or a stay at home mom; both embody different versions of their own form of “girl power.” One of my goals while in Japan is to become That Teacher. The teacher who looks good, whose students are comfortable and excited for class, and who’s name is somehow known by all the students in the department.

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