Hisashiburi, Nihon: Rebuilding my Life after 8 Months Away
Oberlin Shansi Oberlin Shansi

Hisashiburi, Nihon: Rebuilding my Life after 8 Months Away

Emily Eisenstein ‘19, JFOU Fellow

Opening the door to my Obirin Coop apartment was like stepping into a slightly malfunctioning time machine: here was my past life, laid out exactly as I had left it. My favorite mug sat on the table atop a coupon from Ozeki Restaurant. The book I’d been reading remained on the stool next to my bathtub, along with a half-used Lush bath bomb. Only one noticeable change was visible: mold, everywhere.

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Getting Comfortable with Discomfort
Oberlin Shansi Oberlin Shansi

Getting Comfortable with Discomfort

Emily Eisenstein ‘19, JFOU Fellow

The first quarter of my Shansi fellowship has been a time of professional and personal growth, as I’ve been challenged by this experience in a lot of constructive ways. Reflecting on my development over the semester, I think my biggest gain (and biggest challenge) has been self-confidence and the determination to push outside my comfort zone.

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